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How to Avoid Plastic in Care Products

December 09, 2019

Plastic that you absorb through your skin, lungs, or intestines must also wander through your body.

For that is an excellent detoxification performance of your body required. We will show you ways in which you do not burden your body unnecessarily at first. And the same with the environment.


How to Avoid Plastic in Care Products


1. Solid soap instead of plastic soap dispenser

We have three options for soaps on the sink. We can use the liquid soap from the plastic dispenser because it is more convenient and easier to use with the plastic soap dispenser. But that makes a lot of plastic waste. The second and somewhat more environmentally friendly solution is not to throw away the soap dispenser after the soap has been used up but to refill it with the help of a plastic storage pack. This way, at least less plastic waste is created.

The best and most ecological solution is to use the soap in one solid piece because you can get it entirely without plastic. It can be easy to use soap, free of plastic, you can find it in many drug stores.


    2. Like grandma and grandpa did it

    With the use of fabric handkerchiefs garbage would be saved, even if it is undoubtedly necessary to get used to this form of nose cleaning back at first. Anyone who does not want to can still reduce plastic by buying paper tissues in paper boxes. Best in recycled quality and unbleached


    3. Wood and metal instead of disposable razors

    It is difficult to find a completely plastic-free shave these days. We hope that today everyone actually does shave without disposable razors and instead uses a plastic-free safety razor made of wood and metal. There are only a few offers of such wooden razors with metal blades but they are easy to find online.


    4. Use reusable cotton pads

    Let's stay with the women - when you remove your makeup, throwing away the cotton pads directly creates massive garbage. Reusable eco-cotton pads are the plastic-free alternative to avoid waste. Or you can make the pads out of old scraps of fabric yourself. Then wash and use again. Lower costs, less plastic waste.


    5. Use natural, plastic-free coconut oil

    Coconut oil is natural and so versatile that we would have to create a new plastic-free category. Because coconut oil is ideal as plastic-free natural cosmetics (skin, hair, face) as well as for cooking and frying. It is rich in saturated fatty acids and contains lauric acid, which has an antibacterial effect and offers additional protection against germs and bacteria. But as it is so often the case, there are many plastic-free alternatives.


    6. Use solid plastic-free deodorant

    There are currently many alternatives to conventional deodorant in plastic packaging on the market. Plastic-free deodorants are deliberately put together in such a way that they create little waste.


    7. Use ecological wooden toothbrushes with natural bristles

    Dentists recommend changing the toothbrush every three months. That's right, but then we should quickly become aware that we shouldn't use a plastic toothbrush. Because plastic toothbrushes are not only questionable from a health perspective (plasticizers, phthalates) but also produce plastic waste every three months. Therefore, use a wooden toothbrush with natural bristles.


    8. Shower gel and shampoo without plastic packaging

    Perhaps you have already asked yourself the question of the plastic-free alternative to the numerous plastic shampoos when reading this sentence. Rightly so. Because there are actually few shampoos and shower gels that are not in plastic packaging, alternatively, refill packs offer the right solution. As you can see, personal hygiene is always possible without plastic.


    9. Get a hairbrush without plastic

    It is difficult to find a hairbrush without plastic. However, it is worth buying a wooden hairbrush, because plastic is not suitable for our hair. When making the hairbrush, it is difficult to completely do without plastic because the pins have to be embedded somewhere. Get yourself, e.g. bamboo hairbrushes, which distribute your natural hair fat perfectly over the hair lengths and can detangle the hair nicely.

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