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10 Ways to Save Energy at School

January 20, 2020

In our modern world, every person produces more CO2 every day than the environment can break down again. We use means of transport with combustion engines, heat our homes and use hot water. We create CO2 everywhere. For the operation of electrical devices and artificial light, we need electricity, which today mainly also comes from the combustion of fossil fuels (such as coal or oil).

When generating conventional electricity, e.g. when burning wood, coal, oil or gas, a large amount of CO2 is produced. It is, therefore, all the more vital that we use green electricity.

CO2 does not degrade itself. The CO2 that we produce too much is in the atmosphere and wraps itself around the Earth like a screen. This means that less and less heat that is radiated from the Earth can escape into space. Therefore, it is getting warmer with us.


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It has become warmer on Earth over the past 50 years. We still rarely feel this because it is only a few degrees Celsius. However, this has enormous effects. We must stop this trend so that our planet remains habitable for us humans in the future.

Scientists say warming can be stopped at 1.5 to 2 degrees. To do this, however, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced enormously. Only then can the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere be kept stable, thus protecting our Earth.

Saving energy can be severe sometimes, especially when you want to reduce your environmental impact when you are at school. Look into our following ten tips on how to save energy at school, which you can suggest to your principal or use for yourself.

10 Ways to Save Energy at School

Tip 1: Modernize or replace old heating systems

Old inefficient heating systems lose a lot of heating. Therefore, it makes sense to either optimize the heating system or replace it altogether. The heating pipes are also often out of date and should, therefore, be replaced under certain circumstances.


Tip 2: Improve thermal insulation

Very often, the thermal insulation of the building is no longer up to date. By optimizing it, school buildings can also save several thousand euros in heating costs annually. If the windows are no longer tight, they should also be replaced. Replacing the windows alone can save a considerable, four-figure amount each year.



Tip 3: Exchange inefficient light fixtures

During class, the rooms are often brightly lit, especially in the morning hours, and usually all day in the darker season. The replacement of inefficient lamps also helps to reduce costs. Ask an energy efficiency expert for advice.


Tip 4: Hire an energy manager

Many schools have now hired an energy manager. For smaller schools or school authorities, it makes sense to team up with other schools here. The energy manager works out possible school-specific savings potential, which can result in a significant cost reduction. If he works for several schools at the same time, the costs for the energy manager per school decrease to an acceptable level, while the energy costs drop significantly.


Tip 5: Installation of timers

Technology-equipped schools can also install modern time switches instead of power strips. For example, the computers and other technical systems disconnect from the permanent power supply over the weekend or in the afternoon and evening hours. The timers can be individually adjusted. The use of timers alone can save a not inconsiderable contribution at reasonable costs.

Tip 6: Include the school in a neighbourhood solution

Of course, the energy situation should also be considered within the district, for example, in the city district. If there are companies here that produce a lot of waste heat, it would probably make sense to use their district heating to heat the school. 


Tip 7: Use renewable energies

Depending on the construction and condition of the roof, it is entirely possible to mount panels of a photovoltaic or solar system on it to generate electricity or heating energy that is then used in the building itself. Battery storage can be installed to store the electricity temporarily. The excess power can also be fed into the public grid, thus providing the school authorities with additional income.


Tip 8: Invite students and teachers to verify savings opportunities

Pupils and teachers themselves have a lot of ideas on how energy and heating can be saved. So how about launching a school competition where students and teachers can submit their own energy saving suggestions? The best ideas could be rewarded and, if possible, put into practice.

Of course, care should also be taken in everyday life to save energy at school. For example, windows should only be opened briefly, but then entirely and not to tilt. During this time it is advisable to turn the radiator thermostat to the zero position.

If the room is left and not immediately occupied by the next class, the light should be switched off. Depending on the condition of the school building, several other measures can, of course, be implemented.


Tip 9 and 10: Ventilate right 

If there is more than one side of the classroom window open: open all. So the air exchanges faster. 

After ventilation: switch the heating back on immediately.

These energy-saving tips help everyone in class: 

  • When there is a break, the heating is turned off.

  • Learn how to reduce unnecessary waste in school.

  • Please open the windows over the break, unless it is a freezing winter. The next hour we have fresh air, and it is not as cold as it would be if the windows were tilted for the whole hour. 

  • Hang up a greenhouse effect poster: What is the greenhouse effect and which greenhouse gases cause climate change and warming? Make your students aware of the importance to save energy.


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