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How to Avoid Travel Cosmetics Waste

November 03, 2020

When you're on vacation, you don't want to worry about the environment. Given the massive plastic pollution of the seas, this is not only urgently necessary but also much easier than you think. Here is a tip on how to avoid cosmetic plastic as a traveller.

Nowadays, most people buy cosmetics such as shampoo and shower gel in small sizes before going on a flight. But this only produces more plastic waste. A smart alternative is to buy reusable tubes or bottles in small quantities to refill existing cosmetic products. These can be purchased, for example, from silicone or metal from various providers for little money. When you arrive at the hotel, it is also worthwhile not to use the packed soap from the hotel, but instead to take some with you on the trip.


Washable make-up removal pads

On average, every woman uses around 1,500 cotton pads per year. With reusable make-up removal pads, these enormous mountains of rubbish pollute our environment and are avoided. Washable make-up removal pads are a great sustainable alternative to disposable pads.

These zero waste pads are the basis of natural and sustainable facial care. Ordinary care products can be applied to the pad for cleaning. However, they are not suitable for nail polish removal.


Safety razor

Disposable razors and plastic razors are anything but sustainable. They cause a lot of waste and are not suitable for our environment. The situation is different with the environmentally friendly alternative - the safety razor. This is very durable, robust, and completely plastic-free.

With the safety razor made of wood, only the razor blade has to be changed from time to time. We have owned our safety razors for years and are thrilled.


Menstrual cup

Did you know that a woman uses around 10,000 - 17,000 pads or tampons in her lifetime? In addition to the enormous amount of garbage produced, the costs of regular shopping are anything but cheap! One of the reasons for this is that tampons are still taxed as luxury items - at least here in Germany A menstrual cup offers a sustainable alternative because it can be used for many years. By the way, it also causes zero waste!

After a short period, we quickly got used to the cups and are now absolutely thrilled. They convey a completely new body feeling, and the waste of tampons and pads is a thing of the past! Just try it.


Hair Soap - Sustainable Products

While in grandmother's time, the shampoo shelf consisted of 1-2 products, nowadays there are shampoo bottles after shampoo bottles. Hardly any comparable aisle in the drugstore can take on the extended shampoo shelves. But do we need all of that? Countless shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, and hair treatments packed in plastic bottles with lots of microplastics in the ingredients?

Sustainability in the bathroom looks different. There are many good hair soaps available - with them, you can save not only a lot of plastic but also microplastics. This protects your hair and the environment. We have been using Aleppo soap personally for years. Just test which hair soap you can handle well.

Do you already know the Only Water method? This consists of washing the hair with just water. It is, therefore, natural and one hundred percent environmentally friendly.


Coffee to go cups - sustainable products

In Germany, around 320,000 coffee to go cups are used every hour.
Disposable cups have an enormous impact on our environment and often end up in the trash after just a few minutes. The consequences are catastrophic mountains of rubbish and devastating environmental effects.

A reusable coffee mug, such as a thermal mug to go or a coffee to go mug, actively reduces waste, and protects the environment. Every coffee and tea lover should own a long-lasting and sustainable reusable cup.



A conscious and green lifestyle can be significantly simplified with sustainable products. Since we have exchanged many conventional products for sustainable everyday helpers, we have saved a lot of waste and plastic.

You can now also buy recycled razors and toothbrushes made of bamboo if you want to do without plastic in your cosmetics. The last rule of thumb to keep in mind: almost all cosmetics contain a lot of microplastics (including sunscreen!). The switch to natural cosmetics is also an effective measure against the plastic pollution of the oceans.

What are your favorite sustainable products? Make sure to let us know in the comments.

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